Posted by tngui79 on May 9, 2014 in
Daily Rants,
Management Theories |
I have recently had several encounters where colleagues resign because they think their careers have reached a dead end, or have hit a glass ceiling. Some have invested more than 5 years with the company and yet they feel like there is no way up the pay scale or the corporate ladder. So they tender […]
Tags: glass ceiling, job offers, pay raise, Resignation, supervisor, the talk
Posted by tngui79 on November 14, 2013 in
Daily Rants,
Management Theories |
Because of Asian cultural upbringing that age dictates seniority, one should always speak respectfully when talking to those senior in age. That being said, when they are out of line, being respectful does not equate to agreeing blindly when in the workplace. A true professional knows when to speak in turn, and respectfully state the […]
Tags: Asian culture, Grey matter, respect
Posted by tngui79 on November 3, 2013 in
Daily Rants,
Management Theories,
Social Tips |
If you are struggling at work, find at least one thing that makes you laugh, and you will find Joy. “..and Joy..will be your strength..”
Tags: Joy, stress, work
Posted by tngui79 on July 6, 2013 in
Daily Rants,
Management Theories,
Social Tips |
Work life is similar to playing a Quest-based MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role playing game). In order to succeed in your quest and achieve your next “Level” it’s always easier to team up with members of different skillsets and XP (experience) levels(higher and lower). You gain experience from those with prior exposure, and you in […]
Tags: experience, leveling up, MMORPG, XP
Posted by tngui79 on June 24, 2013 in
Daily Rants,
Management Theories |
Which is worse? Queuing or waiting? The answer to this question can simply be answered as such. You can Queue to Wait, but you cannot wait to Queue. Imagine a Line has formed for the latest “Hello Kitty” plush toy at your local fast food retailer. You may be able to join the queue and […]
Tags: Hello Kitty, macdonalds, Queue, singapore, Wait
Posted by tngui79 on June 24, 2013 in
Daily Rants,
Management Theories,
Social Tips |
The best hand is the perfect balance between a stacked house of cards, and the redundancies built in that prevent it from crumbling.
Tags: deck, House of cards, redundancies, stack
Posted by tngui79 on June 20, 2013 in
Daily Rants,
Social Tips |
Wouldn’t it be lovely if your organisation had this as a Vision? “To be the most FUN organization in the world, leveraging on team spirit and individual drive for enjoyment through transparent and open communication, networking and individual P&L accountability.” Mantra: I am the traffic light to my own enjoyment.
Tags: enjoyment, fun, mantra, Mission, networking, p&l, vision
Posted by tngui79 on June 12, 2013 in
Daily Rants,
Management Theories |
The ONLY “Hard and Fast Rule” in management, is that there is no such thing as only one “Hard and Fast Rule“.
Tags: hard and fast rule, management theory, theories
Posted by tngui79 on December 13, 2012 in
Daily Rants,
Management Theories |
In a handful of multi-national corporations, some employees find themselves stuck at a glass ceiling they can’t seem to rise above. In most instances, the reasons may well be due to internal factors (self). To correct the situation, the employee must internalise what is lacking and strive to improve, but more importantly, to be seen […]
Tags: Infinite Loop, Like a boss, Making the Boss look; Like a Boss, Manor, Mentee, Mentor, MNC, Subject Matter Expert
Posted by tngui79 on August 28, 2012 in
Daily Rants,
Management Theories |
I was very recently consulted by several different contacts on my outlook for the global economy in the year ahead. Whilst I do not own a crystal ball that I can stare into and say with absolutely clarity that the economy will improve or retract as the case may, I can however with total confidence […]
Tags: downturn, economy, Margin, Profit