
Posted by tngui79 on January 1, 2011 in Daily Rants |

Amidst the fanfare and celebrations, it is an apt time to take stock of the year gone by, to pause and give thanks for the experiences that you have gone through the true meaning of the phrase “that which doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.”

Live and let live. Breathe a little deeper. Take time to smell the fresh morning dew; to listen to the birds chirping merrily away, and that blasted new next door neighbour still playing mahjong at 4.30am in the morning.

2011 is here. What you choose to do with the year ahead, depends very much on what you choose to let yourself get up to. Plan for events, and work towards smaller goals.

Take a step, apply for that long deserved annual leave and take a holiday.

Weigh your options again. It might have made sense before, but may not make so much sense now.

Take off those sun glasses and bask in the bright sunlight. The dawn is here. The big two zero eleven!

Yes. These are the times of your life. Make the most of it!

With Peace and Lots of Love.

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