Talk the Walk

Posted by tngui79 on September 6, 2010 in Daily Rants |

Most of the time, you hear people say, “Walk The Talk.” I say to those who blabber on like mindless drones repeating the collective thoughts that have been vocalised time and again.

Talk the Walk!!

If you screw up, Admit it! Take the humble step of admitting wrong doing and acknowledge that you screwed up. That way, your colleagues around will tend to trust you more because they know you will not try and hide and cover up the ugly hole you dug for yourself and the corporation.

You will also find that when you admit and own up to something, it actually exudes that you have a proper sense of responsibility and accountability, and often your peers tend to be more accommodating knowing that you are weaker in a particular area, and will unwittingly offer you a helping hand, just to make sure you’re ok.

Opening up to being accountable and being transparent also ensures that those who try to play politics, will not have a foothold against you, because…. hey, you already confessed it and so it’s no longer a problem!

Enjoy the Week ahead!

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